Friday, March 15, 2019

Surrealism Final - Project 9

I made this image because I found this photo of the road and though it would be cool to enlarge usually smaller objects and put them next to the cars. So I cut a fire hydrant and mailbox so it look like giant versions on the highway/

I found this photo that I took awhile ago of the inside of a UPS truck. I also found two photos of a cab and a tall building. I thought it would be funny to make the cab big and have is basically driving the vehicle. So its like a car driving a car. Then I cut down this photo of the building and put in in the car to make it more unrealistic and surreal.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Fine Art Vs Commercial Portraits

Image result for jennifer lawrence portraits
Fine Art
Image result for jennifer lawrence in commercials
Commercial Photography
Taken by Marie Claire

Although these photos are both taken of Jennifer Lawrence, they have very different meanings to them. The first one is a simple photo of Jennifer in black and white. It is just of her face and there is no other meaning to it. The second one is very different. It is saturated and pink and looks like something I would see on a billboard. It pops out way more than the other photo. It is selling lipstick. I think the two photos both have very different reasons for being taken and they both show drastically different sides to the model. One is very bright and colorful and one is duller and more simplistic.

Commercial Portraits

Definition of commercial portraits: Taking a photo for it's commercial use like business and sales. It is taken for money and it is often associated with advertisements.
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Travis Duncan
I like this photo because of the landscape in the background. I really like looking at photos of snow and I think they way the sun reflects on the ground is really pretty. It caught my eye for the quality and how saturated and in focus everything is which I really like. I think it is a ad for either a snowboard company or a company that sells snow or outdoor gear.

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Jon Mold
I lik the contrast in this photo and the value. I think it's cool the way the smoke looks against the black and it is interesting to look at. I think this is probably an advertisement for something to do with a men's product. I would assume it would be men's cologne, deodorant, or body spray.

Fine Art Photos

Fine Art Potrait: The photo has no deep meaning to it that is universally known as it's one meaning. It is the creative vision of the camerman. It can represent reality or events.
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Danielle van Zadelghoff
I like this photo because it can be interpreted in so many ways. It is pretty simple but it also has a lot of interesting things going on. I think it could mean that the girl is somehow restricted from seeing. Maybe she is blind or maybe she can't see things for the way they are and so she has that restricted sense about things

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Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk
I think this photo because of the contrasting colors of black to the background. I also like the way the girl and the cat are both looking back at the camera. I think it's cute how the girl and cat both have a furry material around their necks/shoulders and I think it could mean the connection between the person and the animal

Friday, March 1, 2019

Surrealism and Photomontage Pre-Work

Image result for salvador dali surrealism
Salvador Dali

Surrealism: Combinations of unlikely recognizably realistic images. It combines dreams with real life. Unnatural and irrational.

Image result for rene magritte surrealism
Rene Magritte

Image result for surrealism photography
David Heger: This photo is of a rainy afternoon. However, it is a little unique. David uses watering can as what is making it rain. It is surrealism because it is clearly impossible and couldn't literally happen. But it is interesting to see these kind of perspectives and how David and other artists use objects tin an unrealistic situation to show an idea.

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Platon Yurich: This photography does a lot of surrealism. This photo is beautiful on its own and the surrealism just adds to it. The balloons are showing that the boy is being held up by it. He is flying into the stars and the contrast between the sky and the balloons adds to the detail of surrealism in the photo

Project - 8 Digital Alternative Process

For this project I recreated processes of editing photos that are used but I did them digitally. I did them on Photoshop and I did Daguerreotypes, Cyanotypes, and Gum Bichromate. Daguerreotypes have a warm orange brown look to them. They look older because of the grain added. A picture is made on a silver surface sensitized with iodine and it developed by exposure to mercury vapor. Cyanotypes have a blue tint and they have the soft edges were I used brushes to fill the photo in on a white background. For the real process, you would mix chemicals and water and coat it on a material. Then you use a UV light to get the final product. Gum Bichromate was really fun to make. I did the same thing as Cyanotype but added different colors like warms and cools. You use different chemicals and layer different pictures over it. It has those soft edges and white background like Cyanotypes.



Gum Bichromate