Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Commercial Portraits

Definition of commercial portraits: Taking a photo for it's commercial use like business and sales. It is taken for money and it is often associated with advertisements.
Image result for commercial portraits
Travis Duncan
I like this photo because of the landscape in the background. I really like looking at photos of snow and I think they way the sun reflects on the ground is really pretty. It caught my eye for the quality and how saturated and in focus everything is which I really like. I think it is a ad for either a snowboard company or a company that sells snow or outdoor gear.

Image result for commercial portraits
Jon Mold
I lik the contrast in this photo and the value. I think it's cool the way the smoke looks against the black and it is interesting to look at. I think this is probably an advertisement for something to do with a men's product. I would assume it would be men's cologne, deodorant, or body spray.

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